In Memoriam: tomylees:
182:365, 2015, Thirsty seagull IMG_8832
In Memoriam: tomylees:
183:365, 2015, Going out into the light IMG_8954
In Memoriam: tomylees:
184:365, 2015, Inside the museum IMG_9053
In Memoriam: tomylees:
185:365, 2015, The weight of the cross IMG_9165
In Memoriam: tomylees:
186:365, 2015, Spotting the Fire Truck IMG_9318
In Memoriam: tomylees:
187:365, 2015, Feeding butterfly IMG_9340
In Memoriam: tomylees:
188:365, 2015, The famous Archway IMG_9384
In Memoriam: tomylees:
189:365, 2015, Watching the rain IMG_9477
In Memoriam: tomylees:
190:365, 2015, Seat by the ocean IMG_9503
In Memoriam: tomylees:
191:365, 2015, The lights are on IMG_0400
In Memoriam: tomylees:
192:365, 2015, Looking for mussels IMG_0433
In Memoriam: tomylees:
193:365, 2015, My turn to run and hide IMG_1510
In Memoriam: tomylees:
194:365, 2015, Wet planks IMG_1834
In Memoriam: tomylees:
195:365, 2015, Braving the weather IMG_1898
In Memoriam: tomylees:
196:365, 2015, Yellow and red IMG_2048
In Memoriam: tomylees:
197:365, 2015, Yellow begonia IMG_2072
In Memoriam: tomylees:
198:365, 2015, Garden border IMG_2095
In Memoriam: tomylees:
199:365, 2015, Row, row, row your boat IMG_2188
In Memoriam: tomylees:
200:365, 2015, I can see the windmill IMG_2395
In Memoriam: tomylees:
201:365, 2015, Flower garden IMG_2428
In Memoriam: tomylees:
202:365, 2015, Balancing act IMG_2521
In Memoriam: tomylees:
203:365, 2015, Standing proud IMG_2584
In Memoriam: tomylees:
204:365, 2015, Yellow lilies IMG_2612
In Memoriam: tomylees:
205:365, 2015, Poppy in the rain IMG_2636
In Memoriam: tomylees:
206:365, 2015, Number one IMG_2735
In Memoriam: tomylees:
207:365, 2015, Shelter from the rain IMG_2774
In Memoriam: tomylees:
208:365, 2015, When's the next bus IMG_2795
In Memoriam: tomylees:
209:365, 2015, Flowers in summer IMG_2803
In Memoriam: tomylees:
210:365, 2015, Orange splash IMG_2820
In Memoriam: tomylees:
211:365, 2015, Paper roses IMG_2843