In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, New flowers for a new month IMG_8772
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, Growing wild IMG_8848
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, Another hot day in the garden IMG_8990
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, White clover and a Happy Fourth of July IMG_9103
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, Before the rain comes down IMG_9264
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, Potted plants IMG_9334
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, Bunting, gazebo and umbrella IMG_9353
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, When silence reigns IMG_9416
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, Looking for a garden IMG_9488
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, When there is no garden IMG_9871
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, Given up on a garden view IMG_0403
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, Down below, no garden IMG_0772
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, I've given up trying for a garden IMG_1620
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, There is just no garden anywhere IMG_1889
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, My garden is looking very neglected today IMG_2040
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, Time to work on the garden again IMG_2055
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, Colourful start to my day IMG_2075
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, All in yellow IMG_2133
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, The lily flowers are still wet from the rain IMG_2342
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, A garden filled with colour IMG_2415
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, A magnet for the hoverflies IMG_2449
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, Rushed outside to top up the bird baths IMG_2568
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, My faded rose IMG_2590
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, Breakfast for the collared dove IMG_2625
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, Red flowers and variegated leaves IMG_2642
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, The bindweed has survived IMG_2766
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, Honeysuckle berries IMG_2785
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, Think this might be terminal IMG_2799
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, Waiting for the pigeons to leave IMG_2810
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, Hoping for sunshine and blue skies IMG_2829