In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, Happy St David's Day DSCF2535
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, A little windy for the photos DSCF2544
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, Returning sun DSCF2552
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, Surprised to see the ice DSCF2553
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, Speedy photo shoot DSCF2565
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, Just as it flew away DSCF2571
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, The birds are getting more active DSCF2577
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, Lots of flowers are open IMG_7074
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, Yellow flowers today IMG_7154
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, Looking beyond the garden again IMG_7191
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, The daffodils are glorious DSCF2586
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, Providing food for the ferals DSCF2592
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, Against a blue sky DSCF2599
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, Went out earlier to get a photo of the fog DSCF2603
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, More flowers open, this is the white hyacinth DSCF2621
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, Sunshine catches the leaves of the scots pine DSCF2629
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, That same hyacinth again DSCF2636
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, The periwinkle is just full of flowers DSCF2646
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, It's going to be a busy day DSCF2652
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, It's getting out of hand again DSCF2662
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, Last nights rain has brought out all the birds DSCF2667
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, Providing wool for the birds DSCF2675
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, That friendly blackbird DSCF2679
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Monday, The new home is in place DSCF2684
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Tuesday, The garden gets the benefit of the dampness DSCF2691
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Wednesday, Feeding the thousands DSCF2696
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Thursday, The stripey leaves wet with raindrops DSCF2702
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Friday, Hairy leaves of the purple sage DSCF2710
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Saturday, The muscaris are blooming DSCF2716
In Memoriam: tomylees:
Sunday, White Cape Daisy for Mother's Day DSCF2720