In Memoriam: tomylees:
001:365/4, 731 year 4 George Yard flowers IMG_8977
In Memoriam: tomylees:
002:365/4, 732 year 4 Tall flowers in the gardens IMG_9005
In Memoriam: tomylees:
003:365/4, 733 year 4 Two rows of old school desks IMG_9017
In Memoriam: tomylees:
004:365/4, 734 year 4 A once in a lifetime photo IMG_9059
In Memoriam: tomylees:
005:365/4, 735 year 4 Taking photos of Kings Cross IMG_9079
In Memoriam: tomylees:
006:365/4, 736 year 4 We're sheltering from the rain again IMG_9137
In Memoriam: tomylees:
007:365/4, 737 year 4 Brighten up the steps IMG_9344
In Memoriam: tomylees:
008:365/4, 738 year 4 Paintings on the wall IMG_9614
In Memoriam: tomylees:
009:365/4, 739 year 4 Changing trains in Leeds IMG_9854
In Memoriam: tomylees:
010:365/4, 740 year 4 Back to the museum garden IMG_9863
In Memoriam: tomylees:
011:365/4, 741 year 4 I don't take sugar with my tea IMG_9869
In Memoriam: tomylees:
012:365/4, 742 year 4 Wet leaves in the museum garden IMG_9890
In Memoriam: tomylees:
013:365/4, 743 year 4 Steps up to the door IMG_9896
In Memoriam: tomylees:
014:365/4, 744 year 4 Lamps and reflections IMG_9924
In Memoriam: tomylees:
015:365/4, 745 year 4 In another rainy London street IMG_0023
In Memoriam: tomylees:
016:365/4, 746 year 4 Filled with red fruits IMG_0032
In Memoriam: tomylees:
017:365/4, 747 year 4 All in red, just red IMG_0043
In Memoriam: tomylees:
018:365/4, 748 year 4 Photographing sky IMG_0047
In Memoriam: tomylees:
019:365/4, 749 year 4 Coming in to Liverpool Street IMG_0053
In Memoriam: tomylees:
020:365/4, 750 year 4 Seagull on The Moor pond IMG_0158
In Memoriam: tomylees:
021:365/4, 751 year 4 View from the cabin IMG_0277
In Memoriam: tomylees:
022:365/4, 752 year 4 Flowers on the rose bush IMG_0433
In Memoriam: tomylees:
023:365/4, 753 year 4 Red berries ready for the Autumn IMG_0455
In Memoriam: tomylees:
024:365/4, 754 year 4 Trying hard to think of new ideas IMG_0473
In Memoriam: tomylees:
025:365/4, 755 year 4 One sunny market day IMG_0483
In Memoriam: tomylees:
026:365/4, 756 year 4 Am I dreaming, have I just stepped back in time IMG_0498
In Memoriam: tomylees:
027:365/4, 757 year 4 The small copper butterfly IMG_0505
In Memoriam: tomylees:
028:365/4, 758 year 4 Sunshine beyond the trees IMG_0523
In Memoriam: tomylees:
029:365/4, 759 year 4 A Birthday Celebration IMG_0558
In Memoriam: tomylees:
030:365/4, 760 year 4 When Autumn comes along IMG_0593