In Memoriam: tomylees: Phew that was a rush 008
In Memoriam: tomylees: Three lovely ladies 001
In Memoriam: tomylees: Rose bush 026
In Memoriam: tomylees: Private Harding 3983
In Memoriam: tomylees: Memorial to Vi 008
In Memoriam: tomylees: Ethel and Ray 031
In Memoriam: tomylees: Tom and Connie 033
In Memoriam: tomylees: Better when the sun is shining 029
In Memoriam: tomylees: It's them again 024
In Memoriam: tomylees: All in a row 003
In Memoriam: tomylees: One two three 006
In Memoriam: tomylees: 2010 looking back 001
In Memoriam: tomylees: Looking forward to a New Year of taking photos 002
In Memoriam: tomylees: Dating old photos 001
In Memoriam: tomylees: Thanking my friends 002
In Memoriam: tomylees: Lucky silver 004
In Memoriam: tomylees: The Zorro napkins 002
In Memoriam: tomylees: How to make three famous cocktails 004
In Memoriam: tomylees: What's cookin 006
In Memoriam: tomylees: That Zorro napkin 003
In Memoriam: tomylees: I am a photo addict 011
In Memoriam: tomylees: A house for memories 032
In Memoriam: tomylees: New year 2011
In Memoriam: tomylees: The day the whole class laughed P1410788
In Memoriam: tomylees: When I was the first P1410805
In Memoriam: tomylees: Two little girls DSCF0121
In Memoriam: tomylees: Memories of my Mum DSCF0118
In Memoriam: tomylees: It's party time again DSCF0116
In Memoriam: tomylees: At home and abroad DSCF0117
In Memoriam: tomylees: Memories of my Mum DSCF0119