In Memoriam: tomylees: Time to relax 025
In Memoriam: tomylees: Another look back in time 106-0626_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: At the basement window 106-0627_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Waiting by the Rover 106-0628_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Meeting the locals 106-0629_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Time for a party 106-0630_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Meet our hostess of the day 106-0631_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: In the downstairs flat 106-0632_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: A close up shot 106-0633_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Another close one 106-0634_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Back on the computer 106-0635_IMG
In Memoriam: tomylees: Getting a glass of water 019_7
In Memoriam: tomylees: We leave the Burrow again 011_15
In Memoriam: tomylees: Going visiting 106-0626_IMG