Bu Pun Su: Epicure
Bu Pun Su: Nibbles
Bu Pun Su: Amuse-bouche
Bu Pun Su: Homard bleu freshly roasted from the kitchen
Bu Pun Su: The blue lobster tail was deshelled table side
Bu Pun Su: Homard Bleu rôti au beurre demi-sel, jus des têtes pressées, polenta moelleuse aux asperges vertes et truffe noire
Bu Pun Su: The pretty lobster dish but ... messy (nearly half-way eating)
Bu Pun Su: Carre D'Agneau de Lait doré au sautoir à l'ail et fleur de thym, chips de basilic, condiment d'épinard au citron confit et anchois
Bu Pun Su: Savoring the lambs half way - sorry if this looked ugly
Bu Pun Su: Pre-dessert
Bu Pun Su: Stephane Aignel, the maitre d', preparing my dessert a la minute ...
Bu Pun Su: Cerises "Burlat" en sucre soufflé, crème de pistache de Sicile, giboulée de cerises flambées au kirsch
Bu Pun Su: When the blown sugar of cherries was broken and revealing the pistachio cream inside ..
Bu Pun Su: Iced tea jelly with gold leaves
Bu Pun Su: Mignardises