Bu Pun Su: Restaurant Astrance
Bu Pun Su: "Mousse" containing vinegar banyul foam (top), red currant puree (middle) and some yolk (bottom)
Bu Pun Su: White mushroom tartin foie gras pie served with confit lemon jam and hazelnut oil on the side
Bu Pun Su: Pan fried langoustine served with mixed (mostly) raw vegetables and spicy peanut butter puree
Bu Pun Su: Lightly cooked John Dory served with razor clam, 'new' cabbages and papaya & mango puree
Bu Pun Su: Scottish salmon in tamarind and grape sauce served with turnips and leeks
Bu Pun Su: Poached egg served with cepe mushrooms (both raw and cooked)
Bu Pun Su: Tender duck cooked medium served with eggplant puree, black curry and some cepe mushrooms
Bu Pun Su: Warm mashed potato served with cheese and vanilla ice cream
Bu Pun Su: Dessert: right - sweet lemon grass sorbet; left - honey ice cream on top, then below a few small chunks of grape fruit with a little tamarind taste
Bu Pun Su: Dessert: top - orange sabayon with some citron short bread and nougatine; bottom - meringue-like covering green tea ice cream, citron and mango