Science and Plants for Schools:
Lysimachia nummularia2
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lysimachia nummularia1
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lycopersicum esculentum
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lychnis flos-cuculi
Science and Plants for Schools:
Luzulla campestris
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lupinus polyphyllus
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lunaria rediviva
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lunaria annua
Science and Plants for Schools:
Luffa cylindrica2
Science and Plants for Schools:
Luffa cylindrica1
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lophophora williamsii
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lophophora williamsi#20BE97
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lonicera perpusii
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lonicera periclymenum
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lonicera nitida
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lonicera infundibulum2
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lonicera infundibulum1
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lobularia maritima
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lobivia arachnacantha1
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lobivia arachnacantha
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lithops otzeniana
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lithops lesliei
Science and Plants for Schools:
Liquidamber orientalis
Science and Plants for Schools:
Linum usitatissimum
Science and Plants for Schools:
Linum austriacum2
Science and Plants for Schools:
Linum austriacum1
Science and Plants for Schools:
Limnanthes douglasii
Science and Plants for Schools:
Lewisia cotyledon
Science and Plants for Schools:
Leucojum tingitanum