Under the same moon...: FBTrail Maps -newletter
Under the same moon...: White Ledges, overlook, Temple, NH
Under the same moon...: White Ledges, Temple, NH
Under the same moon...: Approach to White Ledges
Under the same moon...: White Ledges in Temple, NH
Under the same moon...: Moose droppings or scat
Under the same moon...: Allegheny Ant Mounds in Temple, NH
Under the same moon...: Aaron Ellison with Allegheny Ant Mounds
Under the same moon...: Brich Polypore (Fomitopsis betulina)
Under the same moon...: Forester Eric Foley at Town Forest
Under the same moon...: Lincoln Geiger at the Old Lone Pine
Under the same moon...: Birch Polypores (Fomitopsis betulina)
Under the same moon...: IMG_20190902_094730
Under the same moon...: IMG_20190902_094645
Under the same moon...: Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa) DEADLY
Under the same moon...: Conservation Commission walk at Town Forest
Under the same moon...: Moose Skull
Under the same moon...: Moose Skull
Under the same moon...: Allegheny mound ant (Formica exsectoides)
Under the same moon...: Allegheny mound ant (Formica exsectoides)