Under the same moon...: Melanistic Red-shouldered Hawk at Lettuce Lake
Under the same moon...: Green Anole
Under the same moon...: Tufted Titmouse
Under the same moon...: Great Blue Heron
Under the same moon...: Great Egret
Under the same moon...: Barred Owl resting
Under the same moon...: Tricolored Heron
Under the same moon...: Tricolored Heron
Under the same moon...: Tricolored Heron
Under the same moon...: Muscovy Duck
Under the same moon...: Roseate Spoonbill
Under the same moon...: Gray Catbird
Under the same moon...: Green Heron
Under the same moon...: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Under the same moon...: Great Blue Heron
Under the same moon...: Northern Parula