Under the same moon...: Least Tern flight
Under the same moon...: Oystercatcher and Black-bellied Plover Tracks
Under the same moon...: Antillean Nighthawk on nest1
Under the same moon...: Antillean Nighthawk nest
Under the same moon...: American Oystercatcher nest
Under the same moon...: thumb_IMG_3445_1024
Under the same moon...: Curly-tailed Lizard
Under the same moon...: Avalon stern
Under the same moon...: Darling Plums
Under the same moon...: Avalon at Joulter Cay
Under the same moon...: Margo with Night-hawk
Under the same moon...: Shorebird beach at Joulter's Cay
Under the same moon...: Found a dollar in a bottle...
Under the same moon...: Live Queen Conch