Under the same moon...: Whipple Cholla
Under the same moon...: Autumn Cottonwoods
Under the same moon...: Riparian Cottonwood Trees
Under the same moon...: Willow Lake IBA
Under the same moon...: Granite Mountain
Under the same moon...: Willow Lake
Under the same moon...: Willow Lake IBA
Under the same moon...: Willow Lake IBA
Under the same moon...: Approaching the Dells and Willow Lake
Under the same moon...: Banana Yucca
Under the same moon...: Grass, Butte Creek
Under the same moon...: Prickly Pear
Under the same moon...: Prescott Farmers' Market
Under the same moon...: Awesome Agave
Under the same moon...: Joel Barnes Butte Creek
Under the same moon...: My return to Prescott College
Under the same moon...: Cooper's Hawk
Under the same moon...: Late Monarch
Under the same moon...: Prickly Pear
Under the same moon...: Wind in the Cottonwoods
Under the same moon...: Prickly Pear
Under the same moon...: Window box tomato