Under the same moon...: Piping Plover sees its shadow
Under the same moon...: Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) chicks in Whelk shell on Cape Cod Beach in MA
Under the same moon...: Marbled Godwit
Under the same moon...: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Under the same moon...: Wilson's Plover
Under the same moon...: Black-bellied Plover
Under the same moon...: Ruddy Turnstone
Under the same moon...: Ruddy Turnstone
Under the same moon...: Piping Plover (winter)
Under the same moon...: Color-banded Piping Plover
Under the same moon...: Color-banded Piping Plover
Under the same moon...: Black-necked Stilt
Under the same moon...: Wilson's Plover (female)
Under the same moon...: Wilson's Plover
Under the same moon...: Ruddy Turnstone
Under the same moon...: Marbled Godwit
Under the same moon...: American Oystercatcher
Under the same moon...: Piping Plover (male)
Under the same moon...: Mirrored Piping Plover (see video link)
Under the same moon...: Pair of Piping Plovers on Plymouth Beach
Under the same moon...: Color-banded Piping Plover on Plymouth Beach, MA
Under the same moon...: Piping Plover Stretching
Under the same moon...: American Oystercatcher
Under the same moon...: Snowy Plover
Under the same moon...: Scarlet Tanager in Shade of a Cedar
Under the same moon...: Nothing like an American Oystercatcher
Under the same moon...: Long-billed Curlew
Under the same moon...: Long-billed Curlew
Under the same moon...: Piping Plover tracks