Under the same moon...: Swallow-tailed Hummingbird or Beija-flor Tesoura - (Eupetomena macroura)
Under the same moon...: Tropic Queen or Soldier, (Danaus eresimus)
Under the same moon...: Sooty Tyrannulet
Under the same moon...: Sooty Tyrannulet
Under the same moon...: Helmeted Manakin (female) or Soldadinho (Antilophia galeata)
Under the same moon...: Southern Lapwing or Quero-quero, (Vanellus chilensis)
Under the same moon...: Can you find the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird?
Under the same moon...: Great Kiskadee or Bem-te-vi - (Pintangus sulphuratus)
Under the same moon...: Annato or Urucu, ou urucum, (Bixa orellana)