Under the same moon...: Darner found on a store wall in Brazil
Under the same moon...: minnows and fish in creek in Datas, MG
Under the same moon...: Amazon lava lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)
Under the same moon...: Katydid or Esperanza (hope)
Under the same moon...: Cane Toad (Bufo marinus or Rhinella marina)
Under the same moon...: Cane Toad (Bufo marinus or Rhinella marina)
Under the same moon...: Whiptail lizard species in Brazil
Under the same moon...: Tegu lizard (Tupinambis teguixim)
Under the same moon...: Mechanitis lysimnia nesaea
Under the same moon...: Callicore sorana
Under the same moon...: Tropic Queen or Soldier, (Danaus eresimus)
Under the same moon...: Brazilian squirrel (or Guianan squirrel) (Sciurus aestuans)
Under the same moon...: White-fronted Marmoset (Callithrix geoffroyi) Sagüi-de-cara-branca;
Under the same moon...: Tropic Queen or Soldier, (Danaus eresimus)
Under the same moon...: "Long-tailed Skipper" Urbanus simplicius
Under the same moon...: Adelpha thessalia
Under the same moon...: Tropic Queen or Soldier, (Danaus eresimus)