Under the same moon...: A Spring Peeping Green Frog
Under the same moon...: Red Maple and Daffodils mark beginning of spring
Under the same moon...: Cool Crocus
Under the same moon...: Red Maple Flowers
Under the same moon...: Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
Under the same moon...: Pussy Willow Passages
Under the same moon...: Pussy Willow is soft
Under the same moon...: Pussy Willow Emerging
Under the same moon...: Rainbow on St. Patrick's Day
Under the same moon...: Catch and Release Brook Trout
Under the same moon...: Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
Under the same moon...: Hovering Honey Bee
Under the same moon...: Tasting the Warm Air
Under the same moon...: Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna)
Under the same moon...: Aspen Catkins (Populus tremuloides)?
Under the same moon...: False Hellebore (Veratrum viride)
Under the same moon...: Abandoned Daffodils
Under the same moon...: Greening Moss
Under the same moon...: Scilla siberica
Under the same moon...: Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
Under the same moon...: Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
Under the same moon...: Eastern Painted Turtle
Under the same moon...: Johnny-Jump-Up (Viola cornuta) in Thyme
Under the same moon...: Star Magnolia and Curly Cloud
Under the same moon...: Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
Under the same moon...: White-throated Sparrow
Under the same moon...: Tiniest White Spring Flower (Species?)
Under the same moon...: Red Maple Ablaze
Under the same moon...: Purple Potted Plants