Under the same moon...:
Chalk-front Corporals (Libellula julia) male
Under the same moon...:
White-throated Sparrow
Under the same moon...:
Ruby Meadowhawk - Sympetrum rubicundulum? (male)
Under the same moon...:
Crimson-ringed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia glacialis)
Under the same moon...:
Hairy Woodpecker (male)
Under the same moon...:
White Admiral (Limenitis arthemis arthemis)
Under the same moon...:
Balsam Pine at Lonesome Lake
Under the same moon...:
Bluet, species?
Under the same moon...:
Just clickin' in the rain...
Under the same moon...:
Shiny Mica kn the White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Mountain Avens (Geum peckii)
Under the same moon...:
Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Finally...Lake in the Clouds AMC Hut, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Room with a View, AMC Hut Lake in the Clouds
Under the same moon...:
Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Gem Pool, Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Gem Pool, Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Yellow Clintonia (Clintonia borealis)
Under the same moon...:
Bunchberry Dogwood (Cornus canadensis)
Under the same moon...:
Blue Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus)
Under the same moon...:
Little Snow Heart
Under the same moon...:
Little Heart
Under the same moon...:
Bit of Brook
Under the same moon...:
Pair of Pine Grosbeaks
Under the same moon...:
Snowy Stream
Under the same moon...:
The Wild Side
Under the same moon...:
Top of Old Bridle Path, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Approaching Agony Ridge, White Mountains, NH
Under the same moon...:
Frosted Spruce, White Mountains
Under the same moon...:
Uphill in the Snowy Wood