Donald Morrison: Ledmore in the snow
Donald Morrison: Snow starting to fall near Ledmore
Donald Morrison: Struggling to get home
Donald Morrison: Calda House in the vehicle lights with ample moonlight
Donald Morrison: Calda House, Assynt being illuminated at 2am with the vehicle lights and ample moonlight
Donald Morrison: Ardvreck Castle in the 2am moonlight
Donald Morrison: Viewpoint above Newton
Donald Morrison: Quinag in the snow
Donald Morrison: Wild day above Newton
Donald Morrison: Horrendous driving conditions
Donald Morrison: Worst snow I've seen in years at Knockan Crag
Donald Morrison: Lucky to have the Landrover Defender
Donald Morrison: A beast in the snow
Donald Morrison: Top of Skiag
Donald Morrison: Poor road conditions in Sutherland
Donald Morrison: Closed on/off for a weekend