8860Brian: Come on surely a 112X
8860Brian: Olympians ride again
8860Brian: Devon to Manchester a bit of a culture shock!
8860Brian: Stagecoach Manchester 14071
8860Brian: A little bit of Salford in West Didsbury.
8860Brian: A blue bus passes a bluebird.
8860Brian: X744JCS in the trees.
8860Brian: I’ll have a P please.
8860Brian: This is a Man’s world.
8860Brian: We’ve got ourselves a convoy
8860Brian: Back again
8860Brian: Bye Bye, well maybe not quite yet.
8860Brian: Bye Bye
8860Brian: And finally
8860Brian: And again today
8860Brian: Gone tomorrow
8860Brian: Droylsden is magic again
8860Brian: V128DJA I’m back
8860Brian: R781WKW in Manchester
8860Brian: P667NOJ by the Moss
8860Brian: M173GRY Very strange indeed
8860Brian: Still JPT’ing through Droylsden
8860Brian: PN02 XBV Apparently it’s not the last day after all for JPT.
8860Brian: H159BKH with JPT Manchester.
8860Brian: Stotts X352NNO
8860Brian: A First recovery in 2006
8860Brian: Another First recovery
8860Brian: Nothing First about this
8860Brian: Magic Maynes 18291 MX03KZP
8860Brian: First for repair