Coda'sPlace: The box is here!
Coda'sPlace: Rielle 2
Coda'sPlace: Terra - What is all the fuss about this box?
Coda'sPlace: Kolombe - It's my first ever dolly Rielle! Handy dandy box opener, the first cut.
Coda'sPlace: DollZone box!!
Coda'sPlace: Kolombe - See Terra, it says DollZone and it has a little doll inside! Terra - If you say so!
Coda'sPlace: Kolombe - Pretty pillow!
Coda'sPlace: So excited my hands are a blur :)
Coda'sPlace: Almost there!
Coda'sPlace: Mummy shot!
Coda'sPlace: Kolombe - just a second Rielle!
Coda'sPlace: Rielle - Hello. Are you my mummy? Kolombe - you could say that.
Coda'sPlace: Standing up on her own. Terra - What exactly is that and what's the fuss about her being able to stand?
Coda'sPlace: Time for eyes!
Coda'sPlace: Rielle - That's much better but could I have my headcap back on?
Coda'sPlace: Rielle 18
Coda'sPlace: Rielle - OK, what just happened? Why is my head on a table? Kolombe - Pettook turned your s-hook when she was 'helping' with your eyes and we had a little incident when I went to put your hair on!
Coda'sPlace: DollZone!
Coda'sPlace: Terra - hurry up!
Coda'sPlace: Kolombe - let's get this wig on straight. You're just so cute!
Coda'sPlace: All ready!
Coda'sPlace: Rielle 22
Coda'sPlace: Rielle - Ta da! Terra - What are you so excited about?
Coda'sPlace: Rielle 24
Coda'sPlace: New Maryland-20120427-00323
Coda'sPlace: New Maryland-20120427-00324
Coda'sPlace: New Maryland-20120427-00325
Coda'sPlace: New Maryland-20120427-00326
Coda'sPlace: Rielle hangs on to her new hat.
Coda'sPlace: DSC07690