Ian_Redmond: Point King Lighthouse cottage ruins
Ian_Redmond: Little Beach...
Ian_Redmond: "A fish out of water.... "
Ian_Redmond: The Jetty
Ian_Redmond: The Gap
Ian_Redmond: Little Beach
Ian_Redmond: Barista...
Ian_Redmond: It's a sister thing .... 🤔
Ian_Redmond: The Acrobat....
Ian_Redmond: Hip hop....
Ian_Redmond: Show time!
Ian_Redmond: It's all about the sparkle....
Ian_Redmond: By the light of the silvery moon....
Ian_Redmond: Pelican reflection....
Ian_Redmond: A fish out of water
Ian_Redmond: It's a fast paced life for a young executive....
Ian_Redmond: Looks like Christmas is done and dusted for another year ....
Ian_Redmond: Micah mono
Ian_Redmond: Walking on water...
Ian_Redmond: A fish out of water…
Ian_Redmond: Osprey in flight with catch …
Ian_Redmond: Caspian Tern
Ian_Redmond: Caspian Tern.. checking me out
Ian_Redmond: Bobtail
Ian_Redmond: Common Greenshank in flight...
Ian_Redmond: First past the post...
Ian_Redmond: Red-eared Firetail Finch
Ian_Redmond: Chameleon
Ian_Redmond: Emperor Tamarin...
Ian_Redmond: Pair of Pink and Grey Galahs