bombardiette13: Mail Art - Under the Sea II
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Under the Sea I
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Heading Home
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Black & White
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Private Swap
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Layers of Flavor PC
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Layers of Flavor PC II
bombardiette13: Mail Art - At the Beach
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Nature
bombardiette13: Mail Art - Handmade PCs Under the Sea
bombardiette13: Handmade PC - Maps I sanded down a cereal box and affixed white card stock to the back for the message and address. For the front, I added pastels to a book page and layered strips of origami paper over that, then the map.
bombardiette13: A quick Would You Rather letter swap that required a decorated envelope... Patel's, shimmer mists and stamps.
bombardiette13: Abstract envelope - Autumn (front)
bombardiette13: Abstract envelope - Autumn (back)
bombardiette13: Handmade postcard - Paint was the theme. Acrylic abstract - Winter Flora
bombardiette13: Handmade Postcard - Monoprint
bombardiette13: Handmade Postcard -What's in the Water
bombardiette13: Handmade Postcard - Watercolor with cling wrap swap. I loved the texture the cling wrap gave this.
bombardiette13: Handmade Postcard for the Creative College Group - The Sea is calling. Ephemera elements, stationery, and paint. (front)
bombardiette13: Handmade Postcard - Pinup Girl Theme
bombardiette13: HMPC - Halloween