lemiller49: Spineless Horsebrush & Purple Sage in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Discovery Trail, Schulman Grove of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pinecones in the Schulman Grove, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Discovery Trail, Schulman Grove of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Quartzite Along the Discovery Trail, Schulman Grove, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Cottonwood Basin Overlook Trail, Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bistlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Cottonwood Basin Overlook Trail, Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bistlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: White Mountain Buckwheat & Clokey's Fleabane in the Patriarch Grove of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: White Mountain Peak
lemiller49: Crepuscular Rays, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Sunset, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Timberline Ancients Nature Trail, Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bistlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Timberline Ancients Nature Trail, Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bistlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pine on the Timberline Ancients Nature Trail, Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bistlecone Pine Forest
lemiller49: Bristlecone Pines on the Timberline Ancients Nature Trail, Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bistlecone Pine Forest