Kristine Hannon: Metchnikoff Point, Brabant Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Kristine Hannon: chinstrap penguin breading on a tin can, Metchnikoff Point, Brabant Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Kristine Hannon: Metchnikoff Point, Brabant Island, Antarctic
Kristine Hannon: Metchnikoff point view, brabant Island, Antarctic
Kristine Hannon: Belgian flag on Metchnikoff point, Brabant Island, Antarctica
Kristine Hannon: Remains of the 1984-85 expedition, Metchnikoff point, Brabant Island, Antarctic
Kristine Hannon: magnificent view from Metchnikoff Point, brabant Island, Antarctica
Kristine Hannon: Adrien de Gerlache 100 years commemorative cake, Antarctic
Kristine Hannon: Metchnikoff Point
Kristine Hannon: Plaque in comemoration of Adrien de Gerlache - Belgica Expediton -camping
Kristine Hannon: View from Metchnikoff Point
Kristine Hannon: General view with remains of the Joint Services Expedition - Metchnikoff Point
Kristine Hannon: Me and the bronze plaque
Kristine Hannon: Unused filmrol taken from Metchnikoff Point by Francois de Gerlache and given to me as present in 1999