sandgraham: P7044359
sandgraham: P7044361
sandgraham: KarimListening2Michella
sandgraham: P7044379
sandgraham: Getting ready to take the stage.
sandgraham: Karim's father greeting the crowd and introducing the qawwali group.
sandgraham: KarimMichellaB&W
sandgraham: FilterlessSmile
sandgraham: KarimMichellaStanding
sandgraham: Karim's father greeting the crowd and introducing the qawwali group.
sandgraham: At least someone is paying attention.
sandgraham: A family friend introducing the group.
sandgraham: A family friend introducing the group.
sandgraham: P7044396
sandgraham: P7044399
sandgraham: Qawwali2
sandgraham: P7044403
sandgraham: qawwaliB&W2
sandgraham: P7044457
sandgraham: P7044415_Qawwali Performance for the Wedding of Michella & Karim, Fragment 1
sandgraham: P7044433Qawwali Performance for the Wedding of Michella & Karim, Fragment
sandgraham: qawwali5
sandgraham: P7044409
sandgraham: QawwaliGroup2_BlythFilter
sandgraham: qawwali7
sandgraham: P7044439
sandgraham: P7044440
sandgraham: Qawwalib&w
sandgraham: LahoreMusicHouse
sandgraham: P7044443