sandgraham: Through the window, Redwood Coast dew, Ferndale CA
sandgraham: Canyon of Ferns, Fern Canyon Trail, Prairie Creek Redwood Park
sandgraham: Forest of Trees
sandgraham: Trail
sandgraham: IMG_0581
sandgraham: IMG_0586
sandgraham: Prairie Creek Redwoods
sandgraham: Prairie Creek Redwoods
sandgraham: Turf toupee
sandgraham: Fern on Tree
sandgraham: IMG_0732
sandgraham: Prairie Creek Redwoods
sandgraham: IMG_0763
sandgraham: Ferndale Cemetery
sandgraham: Ferndale Cemetery
sandgraham: Ferndale Cemetery
sandgraham: Figure
sandgraham: IMG_0861_2
sandgraham: Surrounded
sandgraham: New growth on fallen redwood
sandgraham: IMG_0872
sandgraham: Redwoods
sandgraham: Jessie just pushed it right over.