candini: Grand Central Station
candini: View from the Apple balcony
candini: View from the Apple balcony
candini: DSC09748
candini: Jeff acting casual
candini: Jeff acting casual
candini: DSC09751
candini: DSC09752
candini: DSC09754
candini: Jeff purchased a currywurst from here
candini: Consuming the wurst
candini: South Street Seaport
candini: Statue of liberty from dumbo
candini: DSC09772
candini: DSC09774
candini: Fort Greene
candini: Fort Greene
candini: When we mistaken got off in Long Island City...
candini: When we mistaken got off in Long Island City...
candini: DSC09781
candini: AMNH subway stop
candini: AMNH subway stop
candini: DSC09787
candini: DSC09790
candini: DSC09792
candini: DSC09793
candini: DSC09795
candini: DSC09798
candini: DSC09799
candini: DSC09805