Ploofy: lady bug
Ploofy: Osprey with a flounder
Ploofy: Osprey (you can tell it's an osprey because if you look carefuly you see it squirting out a little bit of it's deadly spray hence the name)
Ploofy: Oops sorry
Ploofy: Eye of the mystic deer
Ploofy: Again with the seagulls
Ploofy: Seagulls doing seagull related activities
Ploofy: Heron at low tide looking for fish
Ploofy: A hawk that flew by
Ploofy: a hawk over head
Ploofy: Heron at Green Bank
Ploofy: The real Bunny Foo Foo
Ploofy: White Pelikans riding thermals down a valley off Kiona Butte
Ploofy: some bird Lucy, and I know
Ploofy: Lucy found a really small bunny hiding in the grass
Ploofy: 2 Seagulls
Ploofy: Seagull
Ploofy: a cormorant
Ploofy: swooping in for a fish
Ploofy: Grabbing a Halibut
Ploofy: Bald Eagle
Ploofy: Osprey with a halibut
Ploofy: Bald Eagle with a halibut
Ploofy: Osprey
Ploofy: I don't know if this is a bug or type of shrimp.
Ploofy: Big bumble bee in the tiny flowers
Ploofy: tiny spider in the tiny flowers
Ploofy: little bunny getting dangerously close to the open feild