Fred Roe: Barred Puffbird [Nystalus radiatus]
Fred Roe: Posing
Fred Roe: Sipping nectar
Fred Roe: A shy peek
Fred Roe: Grabbing a snack
Fred Roe: Drink deep
Fred Roe: Sitting Pretty
Fred Roe: Looking back at me
Fred Roe: Caught in flight
Fred Roe: Tropical Mockingbird [Mimus gilvus]
Fred Roe: Eye of the beholder
Fred Roe: Streak-headed Woodcreeper [Lepidocolaptes souleyetii]
Fred Roe: Looking sharp
Fred Roe: Welcoming committee
Fred Roe: On alert
Fred Roe: Forest jewel
Fred Roe: Forest beauty
Fred Roe: Southern Lapwing [Vanellus chilensis]
Fred Roe: The Observer
Fred Roe: Taunting me
Fred Roe: Vigilance
Fred Roe: Sharing a post
Fred Roe: Indignation
Fred Roe: Singing out
Fred Roe: His best profile
Fred Roe: Heading north
Fred Roe: A little bit squirrely
Fred Roe: Fork-tailed Flycatcher [Tyrannus savana]
Fred Roe: Something a little bit different
Fred Roe: Tropical Kingbird [Tyrannus melancholicus]