Fred Roe: Blue-footed booby [Sula nebouxii] being careful where he places his fancy feet
Fred Roe: Time for siesta
Fred Roe: Great camouflage
Fred Roe: Once upon a reef
Fred Roe: Eye to Eye
Fred Roe: Pillows in the Galapagos tend to be firm
Fred Roe: Wildlife was often very close to the boat
Fred Roe: Cute Chick
Fred Roe: Galapagos Landscape
Fred Roe: Panamic night-sergeant [Abudefduf concolor]
Fred Roe: Struttin his stuff (Explored)
Fred Roe: Galapagos sunset
Fred Roe: Galapagos flycatcher [Myiarchus magnirostris]
Fred Roe: Galapagos Mockingbird [Mimus parvulus]
Fred Roe: Chocolate Chip Starfish [Nidorellia armata]
Fred Roe: Small ground finch [Geospiza fuliginosa]
Fred Roe: Galapagos lava lizard [Microlophus albemarlensis]
Fred Roe: Galapagos Green Sea Turtle [Chelonia agassizii]
Fred Roe: Galapagos Dove [Zenaida galapagoensis]
Fred Roe: A friendly peck
Fred Roe: King angelfish [Holacanthus passer]
Fred Roe: It takes two
Fred Roe: Orca [Orcinus orca] makes an appearance
Fred Roe: One of the absolute coolest creatures in the Galapagos!
Fred Roe: Nazca booby [Sula granti]
Fred Roe: Galapagos Hawk [Buteo galapagoensis]
Fred Roe: Galapagos Sea Lion [Zalophus wollebaeki] and her pup
Fred Roe: Courtship on the rocks
Fred Roe: Galapagos shearwaters [Puffinus subalaris] take flight