Fred Roe: White-winged Dove [Zenaida asiatica]
Fred Roe: Painted Bunting [Passerina ciris]
Fred Roe: Oliver
Fred Roe: Red-winged Blackbird [Agelaius phoeniceus]
Fred Roe: Pied-billed Grebe [Podilymbus podiceps]
Fred Roe: Limpkin [Aramus guarauna]
Fred Roe: Halloween Pennant [Celithemis eponina]
Fred Roe: Pied-billed Grebe [Podilymbus podiceps] with young
Fred Roe: Banded water snake [ Nerodia fasciata]
Fred Roe: Banded water snake [ Nerodia fasciata]
Fred Roe: Common Moorhen [Gallinula chloropus] with young
Fred Roe: Green Heron [Butorides virescens]
Fred Roe: Green Heron [Butorides virescens]
Fred Roe: Green Heron [Butorides virescens]
Fred Roe: Common Yellowthroat [Geothlypis trichas]
Fred Roe: On the nose
Fred Roe: Profile
Fred Roe: Unidentified lizard
Fred Roe: Concentration
Fred Roe: The rest of the beast
Fred Roe: Catching some rays (Explored)
Fred Roe: Wise old owl
Fred Roe: Basking in the sun
Fred Roe: Just glossing over it
Fred Roe: Cruising on by
Fred Roe: A little preening never hurts
Fred Roe: Defiant
Fred Roe: Conk-la-ree!
Fred Roe: Keeping an eye on his nest (Explored)
Fred Roe: A royal banquet