Fred Roe: Back to the Birds
Fred Roe: Back to the Birds
Fred Roe: Harlequin Duck [Histrionicus histrionicus]
Fred Roe: Harlequin Duck [Histrionicus histrionicus]
Fred Roe: Long-tailed Duck [Clangula hyemalis]
Fred Roe: Red-breasted Merganser [Mergus serrator]
Fred Roe: Common Loon [Gavia immer]
Fred Roe: Ruddy Turnstone [Arenaria interpres]
Fred Roe: Ruddy Turnstone [Arenaria interpres]
Fred Roe: Ruddy Turnstone [Arenaria interpres]
Fred Roe: Long-tailed Duck [Clangula hyemalis]
Fred Roe: Common Loon [Gavia immer]
Fred Roe: Long-tailed Duck [Clangula hyemalis]
Fred Roe: Harlequin Duck [Histrionicus histrionicus]
Fred Roe: Harlequin Duck [Histrionicus histrionicus]
Fred Roe: Black Scoter [Melanitta nigra]
Fred Roe: Black Scoter [Melanitta nigra]
Fred Roe: Common Loon [Gavia immer]
Fred Roe: Common Loon [Gavia immer]
Fred Roe: Tough day for the crabs at Barnegat inlet
Fred Roe: Cracking crabs black-back style
Fred Roe: American Oystercatcher [Haematopus palliatus]
Fred Roe: American Oystercatcher [Haematopus palliatus]
Fred Roe: More bad news for the Crabs
Fred Roe: More bad news for the Crabs
Fred Roe: Piping Plover [Charadrius melodus]
Fred Roe: American Goldfinch [Carduelis tristis] enjoying a day at the beach
Fred Roe: Herring Gull [Larus argentatus] devouring a crab on the beach
Fred Roe: Herring Gull [Larus argentatus] devouring a crab on the beach
Fred Roe: Common Loon [Gavia immer]