Fred Roe: It is pretty, isn't it?
Fred Roe: Let it snow...let it snow...let it snow
Fred Roe: I can't feel my feet anymore
Fred Roe: Just Chillin'
Fred Roe: Snowbird in the snow
Fred Roe: Can you see me now?
Fred Roe: Cooper's Hawk [Accipiter cooperii]
Fred Roe: Cooper's Hawk [Accipiter cooperii]
Fred Roe: Silver-spotted Skipper [Epargyreus clarus] on bee balm [Monarda]
Fred Roe: Fresh food every five minutes
Fred Roe: Another delivery
Fred Roe: Last one of this series
Fred Roe: Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe: Monarch [Danaus plexippus]
Fred Roe: Eastern tiger swallowtail [Papilio glaucus] on Butterfly bush [Buddleia davidii]
Fred Roe: Red Admiral [Vanessa atalanta]
Fred Roe: Northern Paper Wasp [Polistes fuscatus]
Fred Roe: Long-legged fly [Condylostylus sp.]
Fred Roe: Bumblebee on Cosmos
Fred Roe: Small unidentified hoverfly in my garden
Fred Roe: Busy day at the cosmos
Fred Roe: Spotted Asparagus Beetle [Crioceris duodecimpunctata]
Fred Roe: Gathering pollen in my garden
Fred Roe: Look into my eyes
Fred Roe: In the pink
Fred Roe: Stink bug nymph
Fred Roe: Tobacco Hornworm [Manduca sexta]
Fred Roe: Cooper's Hawk [Accipiter cooperii]
Fred Roe: Cooper's Hawk [Accipiter cooperii] portrait
Fred Roe: Red-tailed Hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]