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John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge by Fred Roe
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Fred Roe
Barn Swallow [Hirundo rustica]
Fred Roe
Barn Swallow [Hirundo rustica]
Fred Roe
Barn Swallow [Hirundo rustica]
Fred Roe
House Wren [Troglodytes aedon]
Fred Roe
House Wren [Troglodytes aedon]
Fred Roe
Hummingbird nest with chicks
Fred Roe
Great Blue Skimmer [Libellula vibrans]
Fred Roe
Green-winged Teal [Anas crecca]
Fred Roe
Green-winged Teal [Anas crecca]
Fred Roe
Northern Pintail [Anas acuta]
Fred Roe
Best muck in town
Fred Roe
American Wigeon [Anas americana]??
Fred Roe
Couple of old coots
Fred Roe
Northern Shoveler [Anas clypeata]
Fred Roe
Mallard [Anas platyrhynchos]
Fred Roe
Ring-billed Gull [Larus delawarensis]
Fred Roe
Lesser Scaup [Aythya affinis]
Fred Roe
Lesser Scaup [Aythya affinis]
Fred Roe
Gadwall [Anas strepera]
Fred Roe
American Wigeon [Anas americana]
Fred Roe
Amazing Catch on a January Morning
Fred Roe
The Ol' Fishing Hole
Fred Roe
Fred Roe
Survey says......Warbling Vireo [Vireo gilvus] Thanks to all who helped to identify this one.
Fred Roe
Red-winged Blackbird [Agelaius phoeniceus]
Fred Roe
Yellow Warbler [Dendroica petechia]
Fred Roe
Yellow Warbler [Dendroica petechia]
Fred Roe
Everyone hurries home for Mother's Day
Fred Roe
Great Egret [Ardea alba] with lunch
Fred Roe
Palm Warbler [Dendroica palmarum]
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