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Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust by Fred Roe
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Fred Roe
Red belly...Red berry
Fred Roe
Red belly...Red berry
Fred Roe
Black-and-white Warbler [Mniotilta varia]
Fred Roe
Blue-headed Vireo [Vireo solitarius]?
Fred Roe
Wheel bug [Arilus cristatus]
Fred Roe
Atlantis Fritillary [Speyeria atlantis]
Fred Roe
Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe
Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe
Pearl Crescent [Phyciodes tharos]
Fred Roe
Dogbane Tiger Moth [Cycnia tenera]
Fred Roe
Unidentified Moth
Fred Roe
Indigo Bunting [Passerina cyanea]
Fred Roe
Suspended Spider
Fred Roe
Yellow-collared Scape Moth [Cisseps fulvicollis] with dew drops
Fred Roe
Dew Drop Triptych
Fred Roe
Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe
Milkweed Tussock Moth Caterpillar [Euchaetes egle]
Fred Roe
Milkweed Tussock Moth Caterpillar [Euchaetes egle]
Fred Roe
House Wren [Troglodytes aedon]
Fred Roe
Silver-spotted Skipper [Epargyreus clarus]
Fred Roe
Eastern Amberwing [Perithemis tenera]
Fred Roe
Bee on Blackeyed susan
Fred Roe
Bluebird shots from Sunday
Fred Roe
Bluebird shots from Sunday
Fred Roe
Bluebird shots from Sunday
Fred Roe
Bluebird shots from Sunday
Fred Roe
Bluebird shots from Sunday
Fred Roe
Bluebird shots from Sunday
Fred Roe
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Fred Roe
Fall sunset at Pennypack
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