Fred Roe: Sharp-shinned Hawk [Accipiter striatus]
Fred Roe: Sharp-shinned Hawk [Accipiter striatus]
Fred Roe: Amusing myself when the birds were absent
Fred Roe: Amusing myself when the birds were absent
Fred Roe: Amusing myself when the birds were absent
Fred Roe: Tufted Titmouse [Baeolophus bicolor]
Fred Roe: Red-tailed Hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]
Fred Roe: Red-tailed Hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]
Fred Roe: Red-tailed Hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]
Fred Roe: Turkey Vulture [Cathartes aura]
Fred Roe: Maybe I should become a vegetarian...bugs are much harder to find
Fred Roe: Hairy Woodpecker [Picoides villosus]
Fred Roe: Common Yellowthroat [Geothlypis trichas]
Fred Roe: Oh yeah...well I think I look great with an up do
Fred Roe: Northern Parula [Parula americana]
Fred Roe: Northern Parula [Parula americana]
Fred Roe: Northern Parula [Parula americana]
Fred Roe: Northern Parula [Parula americana]
Fred Roe: Sparring Whitetail Bucks
Fred Roe: Black-throated Green Warbler [Dendroica virens]
Fred Roe: Bending over backward for breakfast
Fred Roe: Yard Work Woodchuck Style
Fred Roe: American Goldfinch [Carduelis tristis]
Fred Roe: Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe: Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe: Taking time to taste the roses
Fred Roe: What shall I munch on next?
Fred Roe: Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe: Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris]
Fred Roe: Eastern Chipmunk [Tamias striatus]