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Grand Manan Island by Fred Roe
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Fred Roe
Atlantic Puffin [Fratercula arctica]
Fred Roe
Atlantic Puffin [Fratercula arctica]
Fred Roe
First attempts at star photography
Fred Roe
First attempts at star photography
Fred Roe
Humpback whale dive sequence
Fred Roe
Humpback whale dive sequence
Fred Roe
Humpback whale dive sequence
Fred Roe
Humpback whale dive sequence
Fred Roe
Humpback whale dive sequence
Fred Roe
North Atlantic right whale [Eubalaena glacialis]
Fred Roe
Humpback whale [Megaptera novaeangliae]
Fred Roe
Humpback whale [Megaptera novaeangliae]
Fred Roe
Humpback whale [Megaptera novaeangliae]
Fred Roe
Humpback whale [Megaptera novaeangliae]
Fred Roe
Humpback whale [Megaptera novaeangliae]
Fred Roe
Atlantic Puffin [Fratercula arctica]
Fred Roe
Atlantic Puffin [Fratercula arctica]
Fred Roe
Atlantic Puffin [Fratercula arctica]
Fred Roe
Atlantic Puffin [Fratercula arctica]
Fred Roe
Colorful lichens
Fred Roe
Swallowtail Light
Fred Roe
Columnar basalt formations
Fred Roe
Tidal cove
Fred Roe
Semipalmated Sandpiper [Calidris pusilla]
Fred Roe
Semipalmated Sandpiper [Calidris pusilla]
Fred Roe
Semipalmated Sandpiper [Calidris pusilla]
Fred Roe
Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla]
Fred Roe
Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla]
Fred Roe
Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla]
Fred Roe
I got one and I'm outa here
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