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Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge by Fred Roe
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Fred Roe
Whoah...shouldn't a had that third martini for lunch!
Fred Roe
Outbuildings at the Allee House
Fred Roe
Did you notice me on the roof in the previous picture?
Fred Roe
Snowy Egret [Egretta thula]
Fred Roe
Northern Shoveler [Anas clypeata]
Fred Roe
Red-winged Blackbird [Agelaius phoeniceus]
Fred Roe
Willet [Catoptrophorus semipalmatus]
Fred Roe
Woodland Toad
Fred Roe
Horse Fly
Fred Roe
Blue Grosbeak [Guiraca caerulea]
Fred Roe
Blue Grosbeak [Guiraca caerulea]
Fred Roe
Bald Eagle [Haliaeetus leucocephalus]
Fred Roe
Forster's Tern [Sterna forsteri]
Fred Roe
Great Egret [Ardea alba]
Fred Roe
Great Egret [Ardea alba]
Fred Roe
Osprey [Pandion haliaetus]
Fred Roe
Great and Snowy egrets
Fred Roe
Marsh Wren [Cistothorus palustris]
Fred Roe
Black-necked Stilt [Himantopus mexicanus] with snack
Fred Roe
Black-necked Stilt [Himantopus mexicanus] with chick
Fred Roe
Eastern Kingbird [Tyrannus tyrannus]
Fred Roe
Blue dasher [Pachydiplax longipennis]
Fred Roe
Diamondback terrapin [Malaclemys terrapin]
Fred Roe
Classic Kingbird
Fred Roe
A flurry of snow geese drops from a clear sky
Fred Roe
Strutting his stuff
Fred Roe
Meet Mr. Spoonbill
Fred Roe
Grosbeak portrait
Fred Roe
In the reeds
Fred Roe
On the hunt
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