Cozy61: Journey up the Nile - Rameses II statue at Entrance to Court of Rameses II
Cozy61: Pyramids of Giza
Cozy61: Pillars of Strength – Kom Ombo temple
Cozy61: Light and Shade – Kom Ombo temple
Cozy61: Colossi of Abu Simbel
Cozy61: Where’s that Mummy going? – Guide at Karnak Temple
Cozy61: Illuminated Dynasty - Kom Ombo temple
Cozy61: Watch out I spit! – Giza
Cozy61: Guardian of the Night – Luxor Temple
Cozy61: Captains Mate – Aswan
Cozy61: Felucca Captain - Aswan
Cozy61: Pharaohs Entrance – Karnak Temple
Cozy61: Egyptian Generations - Hurghada
Cozy61: Happy Egyptian Child - Hurghada
Cozy61: Shy Egyptian Child - Hurghada
Cozy61: Court of Amenhotep III - Luxor Temple - Egypt
Cozy61: Washing by the Nile
Cozy61: Upper Egypt temple ruins
Cozy61: Abu Simbel - Upper Egypt
Cozy61: Modern Transport
Cozy61: Egypt Boys at Play
Cozy61: Egypt guide luxor
Cozy61: Egypt Boys
Cozy61: Temple of Cheops (Khufu)
Cozy61: Temple of Nefertari at night
Cozy61: Sunset Over Lake Nasser
Cozy61: Egyptian Camel Preparation
Cozy61: Camel by Great Pyramid
Cozy61: Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Cozy61: Journey up the Nile - Felucca Captain Close-up, Aswsan