amalex5: sunset from vx 211
amalex5: judges
amalex5: rockefeller model
amalex5: judges
amalex5: chromatic typewriter
amalex5: ceiling
amalex5: gash hq, saturday night
amalex5: gash hq bathroom
amalex5: gash hq
amalex5: 53rd st
amalex5: nightosphere
amalex5: artificial intelligence research studio
amalex5: alla and 57th st
amalex5: sam
amalex5: emmy, talia, jimmy's
amalex5: ida
amalex5: reg
amalex5: cobb
amalex5: admin
amalex5: oslo kitchen
amalex5: the oslo
amalex5: 35th and dan ryan
amalex5: chicago
amalex5: blue line
amalex5: SFO, 6:15 am