Carlo Raso: "Saint Michael" by Luca Giordano (Naples 1634-Naples 1705) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Saint Barbara" by Pseudo-Forli (first quarter of 17th century) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: Sepulchral portrait of Pedro de Toledo (†1559 at 61 years old ), first Spanish lord of the Sant'Elmo manor in Naples and cousin of the viceroy Pedro de Toledo - Sculptor Annibale Caccavello (Naples 1515-Naples 1570) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castl
Carlo Raso: "Saint Oderisius nearby the Virgin of Purity" by Antonio de Bellis (about 1618-1656?) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: Sepulchral portrait of Pedro de Toledo (†1559 at 61 years old ), first Spanish lord of the Sant'Elmo manor in Naples and cousin of the viceroy Pedro de Toledo - Sculptor Annibale Caccavello (Naples 1515-Naples 1570) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castl
Carlo Raso: Ceramic floor (18th century) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: Tombstone of Francisco Vasquez (†1777 at 88 years old), Spanish lord of the manor Sant'Elmo in Naples - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: Tombstone of Francisco Vasquez (†1777 at 88 years old), Spanish lord of the manor Sant'Elmo in Naples - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: Sant'Erasmo Church (1587) at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Jesus Christ at Getsemani kitchen-garden" by unknown Neapolitan painter, half 17th century - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Saint Oderisius nearby the Virgin of Purity" (detail) by Antonio de Bellis (about 1618-1656?) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Saint Oderisius nearby the Virgin of Purity" (detail) by Antonio de Bellis (about 1618-1656?) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castle in Naples