Carlo Raso: Friary of La Verna (Arezzo, Tuscany) where Saint Francis was stigmatized on 1224
Carlo Raso: Friary of La Verna (Arezzo, Tuscany) where Saint Francis was stigmatized on 1224
Carlo Raso: "The Pietà" - glazed terracotta (1525-1532) by Santi Buglioni (1494-1576) and disciples - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Saint Francis' bed stone - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany (after 1213)
Carlo Raso: Saint Francis' bed stone - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany (after 1213)
Carlo Raso: Saint Francis' bed stone - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany (after 1213)
Carlo Raso: "Saint Francis receives the Stigmata" - marble bas relief (half 13th century) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Saint Jerome" (Detail) - "Crucifixion with Saint Francis and Saint Jerome" - glazed terracotta (about 1481) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Saint Francis" (Detail) - "Crucifixion with Saint Francis and Saint Jerome" - glazed terracotta (about 1481) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Chapel of the Stigmata (1263) and "Crucifixion with Saint Francis and Saint Jerome", glazed terracotta (1481) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Place where Saint Francis received the stigmata (September 17, 1224) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Crucifixion with Saint Francis and Saint Jerome" - glazed terracotta (about 1481) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Saint Anthony the Abbot" - glazed terracotta (about 1479) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Saint Francis" - glazed terracotta (about 1479) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Nativity" - glazed terracotta (1479; detail) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Nativity" - glazed terracotta (1479; detail) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "The Apostles and the Virgin Mary" - Detail of "The Ascension" - glazed terracotta (1490-1493) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Child Jesus" - Detail of the glazed terracotta of "Nativity" (1479) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "The Angel Gabriel" - Detail of the "Annunciation" - glazed terracotta (about 1475) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Annunciation" - glazed terracotta (about 1475) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "The Ascension" - glazed terracotta (1490-1493) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Nativity" - glazed terracotta (1479) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Relics of Saint Francis: Objects used by the saint at mealtimes when he was a guest of Count Orlando - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Relics of Saint Francis: Objects used by the saint at mealtimes when he was a guest of Count Orlando - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Frock of Saint Francis: Saint Francis was wearing this when, two years before his death in 1226, he received the Stigmata on Mount La Verna (September 1224) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Friary of La Verna (Arezzo / Tuscany) and Santa Maria degli Angeli Church (1216-1218) built by Saint Francis
Carlo Raso: "Deposition" - glazed terracotta (1490) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) and Giovanni della Robbia - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: Santa Maria degli Angeli Church (1216-1218) built by Saint Francis at Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "The Virgin Mary gives the belt to Saint Thomas" - glazed terracotta (1480-1485) by Andrea della Robbia (Florence 1435-Florence 1525/28) - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany
Carlo Raso: "Franciscan monk" - modern painting on wall (2000) by Silvestro Pistolesi of the portal 14th century - Friary of La Verna / Arezzo / Tuscany