Carlo Raso: Fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso: Vegetable detail - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: Vegetable detail - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: Vegetable detail - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: Fountain of Trevi in Rome (Detail)
Carlo Raso: Fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso: Coat of arms of the cardinal Giovanni Costanzo Caracciolo di Santobono (Naples 1715-Rome 1780), manager of the waters - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: Fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso: Fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso: The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome - Architect Nicola Salvi; Statues: "Ocean" by Pietro Bracci (1762); "Abundance" (left) and "Healthiness" (right) by Filippo Valle
Carlo Raso: The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome - Architect Nicola Salvi; Statues: "Ocean" by Pietro Bracci (1762); "Abundance" (left) and "Healthiness" (right) by Filippo Valle
Carlo Raso: The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome - Architect Nicola Salvi; Statues: "Ocean" by Pietro Bracci (1762); "Abundance" (left) and "Healthiness" (right) by Filippo Valle
Carlo Raso: Coat of arms of the Pope Clemente XII between two statues of the Renown by Paolo Benaglia - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: Coat of arms of the Pope Clemente XII between two figures of Fame (1736) - Sculptor Paolo Benaglia - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Healthiness" by Filippo della Valle (Florence 1698-Rome 1768) - Fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Triton with winged sea-horse" (1759-1762) by Pietro Bracci (Rome 1700-Rome 1773) - The fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Ocean" (1762) by Pietro Bracci (Rome 1700-Rome 1773) - The fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Abundance" by Filippo della Valle (Florence 1698-Rome 1768) - Fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso: The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in restoration - Rome - Architect Nicola Salvi; Statues: "Ocean" by Pietro Bracci (1762); "Abundance" (left) and "Healthiness" (right) by Filippo Valle
Carlo Raso: The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in restoration - Rome - Architect Nicola Salvi; Statues: "Ocean" by Pietro Bracci (1762); "Abundance" (left) and "Healthiness" (right) by Filippo Valle
Carlo Raso: The fountain of Trevi in restoration - Rome
Carlo Raso: Fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome - Architect Nicola Salvi; Statues: "Ocean" by Pietro Bracci (1762); "Abundance" (left) and "Healthiness" (right) by Filippo Valle; "The four seasons" (high; 1735) by Bernardo Ludovisi, Bartolomeo Pincellotti, Agostino