Carlo Raso: "Venus" - ceramic sculpture (400-100 BC) - Western Mexico - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Ceramic flat" (600-800 AD) - Maya culture from Guatemala - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Idol" - gilded alloy-metal (800-1000 AD) from Darién, Panama-Colombia - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Great urn with lid" - ceramic 600-900 AD - Maya culture - from Guatemala (El Quiché) - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Headgear with dyed feathers" (600-900 AD) - Huari culture - from Peru / Perù - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Pelota player" - ceramic sculpture (100 BC-250 AD) - Western Mexico, Jalisco culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Etching with Plaza de Toros at Cuenca in Peru - Book: "Relation abrégée d'un voyage fait dans l'interieur de l'Amérique méridionale", Paris, 1745 - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up Oct
Carlo Raso: "Ceramic vase with the god Uuk Sip" (600-800 AD) - Maya culture - from Guatemala - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Axe as skull" - volcanic stone (600-800 AD) - Maya culture - from Guatemala - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Vase" - ceramic (850-1000 AD) - from Panama, Cloché culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Shaman" - ceramic (about 1000 AD) - from Peru, Chavìn-Cupisnique culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Funerary urn with god Cocijo and two maize-cob" - ceramic (450-650 AD) - from Oaxaca (Mexico), Zapoteca culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeolo
Carlo Raso: "Man" - ceramic (600-900 AD) - from Mexico, Veracruz, Remojadas culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Onyx mask" (450-650 AD) - from Mexico, Teotihuacàn culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Istoria della conquista del Messico", Venice, 1733 - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Gold nasal ornament as butterfly" (700-1000 AD) from Colombia, Tairona Culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Funerary mask - gilded copper (600 AD) - from Peru / Perù, Lambayeque culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Ceramic statuettes (900-600 BC) - from Mexico, Xochipala culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Venus" - ceramic sculpture (400-100 BC) - Western Mexico - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Head (Detail) - "Great urn with lid" - ceramic 600-900 AD - Maya culture - from Guatemala (El Quiché) - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museu
Carlo Raso: Vase - ceramic 100 BC-250 AD - Colime culture - from Mexico - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Ceramic cup" (800-950 AD) - Maya culture - from Guatemala - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Pendant as eagle - gold and other metals (700-1000 AD) - from Colombia (Taitona culture) - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Basalt statue" (1450-1521 AD) - from Mexico, Aztec culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Ceramic flat with painted dancer" (about 600 AD) - Maya culture from Guatemala - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Headgear with dyed feathers" (about 300 AD) - Nazca culture - from Peru / Perù - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum