Carlo Raso: Exhibition "The Four days of Naples" at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Exhibition "The Four days of Naples" at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Exhibition "The Four days of Naples" at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Exhibition "The Four days of Naples" at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Exhibition "The Four days of Naples" at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Book of my library: "Mosè e il Monoteismo" by Sigmund Freud
Carlo Raso: Book of my library: "Storia del ghetto di Venezia" by Riccardo Calimani
Carlo Raso: Detail - "Jesus and the adulterer woman" - fresco by Belisario Corenzio (Acaia 1558-Naples 1646) - Carthusian monastery and museum of San Martino in Naples
Carlo Raso: Houses of Jewish ghetto in Venice
Carlo Raso: "The last train", sculpture on Jewishs' deportation (1993) by Arbit Blatas on project by Franca Semi, at Campo de Ghetto Novo in Venice
Carlo Raso: "The last train", sculpture on Jewishs' deportation (1993) by Arbit Blatas on project by Franca Semi, at Campo de Ghetto Novo in Venice
Carlo Raso: Houses of Jewish ghetto in Venice
Carlo Raso: First World War memorial plaque - Levantine Synagogue ("Scuola Levantina") at Ancient Ghetto ("Ghetto Vecchio") in Venice
Carlo Raso: Levantine Synagogue ("Scuola Levantina") established on 1538, renewed 17th century (Baldassarre Longhena?) at Ancient Ghetto ("Ghetto Vecchio") in Venice
Carlo Raso: Foreign translations of "Il Gattopardo" - Books of "Tomasi di Lampedusa Library" at Palermo, now at exhibition "Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896-1957): un lettore europeo", up to July 10, 2018 at Royal Palace in Naples
Carlo Raso: Memorial stone on Hebrews, victims of Nazi raid in October 16, 1943 at Via del Portico d'Ottavia in Rome
Carlo Raso: House and plaque with name of Costanza Sonnino, victim of Nazi raid in 1943, near their own house at Via Portico d'Ottavia In Rome
Carlo Raso: Plaque with name of Costanza Sonnino, victim of Nazi raid in 1943, near their own house at Via Portico d'Ottavia In Rome
Carlo Raso: House of Sergio De Simone (Naples 1937-Hamburg 1945) Shoa's victim, at Via Morghen n° 65/bis in Naples
Carlo Raso: House of Sergio De Simone (Naples 1937-Hamburg 1945) Shoa's victim, at Via Morghen n° 65/bis in Naples
Carlo Raso: Building, seat of Carl Rothschild bank from 1836 up to 1863, at Via Giacomo Piscicelli in Naples
Carlo Raso: Building, seat of Carl Rothschild bank from 1836 up to 1863, at Via Giacomo Piscicelli in Naples
Carlo Raso: Plaque with name of a Hebrew, victim of Nazi raid in 1944, near their own house at Via Nazionale in Rome
Carlo Raso: "The Jair's daughter (Thalita Cumi)" - painting (1875; detail) by Domenico Morelli (Naples 1823-Naples 1901) - Courtesy Gallerie Maspes, Milan, now at Exhibition "From De Nittis to Gemito. Napolitain Painters in Paris during the Impressionism" at Zevallos
Carlo Raso: "The Jews' persecution in Italy" - Exhibition at Stock Exchange Palace in Naples, up to February 23, 2018. Free admittance.
Carlo Raso: "The Jews' persecution in Italy" - Exhibition at Stock Exchange Palace in Naples, up to February 23, 2018. Free admittance.
Carlo Raso: "The Jews' persecution in Italy" - Exhibition at Stock Exchange Palace in Naples, up to February 23, 2018. Free admittance.
Carlo Raso: "Tefillin" - "The Jews' persecution in Italy" - Exhibition at Stock Exchange Palace in Naples, up to February 23, 2018. Free admittance.
Carlo Raso: Sergio De Simone (Naples 1937-Hamburg 1945) Shoa's victim - "The Jews' persecution in Italy" - Exhibition at Stock Exchange Palace in Naples, up to February 23, 2018. Free admittance.
Carlo Raso: Deporteds at Auschwitz - "The Jews' persecution in Italy" - Exhibition at Stock Exchange Palace in Naples, up to February 23, 2018. Free admittance.