Carlo Raso:
Fountain of the Tortoises (1581-1588) in Rome on sketch by Giacomo della Porta with bronze sculptures by Taddeo Landini and tortoises perhaps by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1658)
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of Trevi in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of the Tortoises (1581-1588) in Rome on sketch by Giacomo della Porta with bronze sculptures by Taddeo Landini and tortoises perhaps by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1658)
Carlo Raso:
"The winged Lion of Saint Marcus the Evangelist" - Detail of "The wedding between Venice and Sea" - fountain (1729-1730) by Carlo Monaldi with putti (about 1930) by Giovanni Prini - Garden of Palazzo Venezia in Rome
Carlo Raso:
"The wedding between Venice and Sea" - fountain (1729-1730) by Carlo Monaldi with putti (about 1930) by Giovanni Prini - Garden of Palazzo Venezia in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of the Tortoises (1581-1588) in Rome on sketch by Giacomo della Porta with bronze sculptures by Taddeo Landini and tortoises perhaps by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1658)
Carlo Raso:
Vegetable detail - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Vegetable detail - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Vegetable detail - The fountain of Trevi (1732-1762) in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of Quirinale in Rome. Dioscuri and horses: Roman statues from Constantine's thermae - Roman obelisk from Augustus' mausoleum - Roman tub from Forum
Carlo Raso:
The fountain of "Barcaccia" (1627-1629) by Pietro Bernini, at Piazza di Spagna in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain with dolphins and pope Paul V Borghese's (1605-1621) coat-of-arms (Eagle and dragons) at Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of Four Rivers at Piazza Navona in Rome (1651) - Architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Naples 1598-Rome 1680)
Carlo Raso:
Fountain with mask by Giacomo Della Porta (Porlezza 1532-Rome 1602) and granite tub of the classical age, at Aventino in Rome - Set of the film by Paolo Sorrentino "The Great Beauty"
Carlo Raso:
Fountain with eagle (17th century) at Aventino in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain with mask by Giacomo Della Porta (Porlezza 1532-Rome 1602) and granite tub of the classical age, at Aventino in Rome - Set of the film by Paolo Sorrentino "The Great Beauty"
Carlo Raso:
"Ganges" - marble statue by Claudio Poussin from a plan by Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Fountain of Four Rivers at Piazza Navona in Rome (1651) - Architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Naples 1598-Rome 1680)
Carlo Raso:
Egyptian obelisk of Ramses II (1303-about 1212 BC) - detail of the fountain (1575) by Giacomo Della Porta and Leonardo Sormani in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain (1575) by Giacomo Della Porta and Leonardo Sormani, with egyptian obelisk of Ramses II (1303-about 1212 BC), in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Roman obelisk, Egyptian imitation 1st century AD, from Massentius' circus - Detail of fountain of Four Rivers (1651) by Gian Lorenzo Bernini at Piazza Navona in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Modern fountain with marble vase or kantharos (4th-5th century AD) - Santa Cecilia in Trastevere Church in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain with mask by Giacomo Della Porta (Porlezza 1532-Rome 1602) and granite tub of the classical age, at Aventino in Rome - Set of the film by Paolo Sorrentino "The Great Beauty"
Carlo Raso:
The fountain at Aventino in Rome, set of the film by Paolo Sorrentino "The Great Beauty"
Carlo Raso:
The Great Beauty of Rome: Temple of Victorious Hercules, called "di Vesta" (end 2nd century BC) - Fountain of the Tritons (1715) by Francesco Carlo Bizzaccheri, with coat-of-arms of the pope Clemente XI - Temple of Portunus, called "della Fortuna Virile"
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of the Tritons (1715) by Francesco Carlo Bizzaccheri, with coat-of-arms of the pope Clemente XI - Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of the Tritons (1715) by Francesco Carlo Bizzaccheri, with coat-of-arms of the pope Clemente XI, in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of Ara Pacis in Rome (2006) - Architect Richard Meier
Carlo Raso:
The fountain of "Barcaccia" (1627-1629) by Pietro Bernini, at Piazza di Spagna in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain by Girolamo Rainaldi (1570-1655) with egyptian granite tub from Caracalla baths - Piazza Farnese in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Fountain of the "Mascherone" at Via Giulia in Rome (about 1626) with tub of classical age