Carlo Raso:
Virgilian flora from "Aeneidos", "Georgicon" and "Bucolicae" - The Vergil's sepulchre in Naples (1st century BC) and Virgilian flora
Carlo Raso:
Pyrus Piraster (Vergil) - Literary flora from Vergil and Giacomo Leopardi at Piedigrotta in Naples
Carlo Raso:
The Vergil's sepulchre in Naples (1st century BC) and Virgilian flora
Carlo Raso:
Broom (Leopardi) - Literary flora from Vergil and Giacomo Leopardi at Piedigrotta in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Roses and violets - (Leopardi) - Literary flora from Vergil and Giacomo Leopardi at Piedigrotta in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Hedge (Leopardi) - Literary flora from Vergil and Giacomo Leopardi at Piedigrotta in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Laurel (Leopardi) - Literary flora from Vergil and Giacomo Leopardi at Piedigrotta in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Sepulchre of Giacomo Leopardi (Recanati 1798-Naples 1837) and hedge of "L'Infinito" - Literary Park of Vergil and Giacomo Leopardi at Piedigrotta in Naples