Carlo Raso: Apse (1743) by Ferdinando Fuga with restored mosaics (795-816) with "Christ and Apostles"; right: "Saint Peter crowns the pope Leo III nearby Charles the Great"; left: "Christ transmits his powers to pope Silvester and to emperor Constantine" - Lateran in
Carlo Raso: Bronze door with silver crosses (461-468) - Saint John the Baptist chapel at baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Idols' destruction" - fresco by Carlo Maratta (Camerana 1625-Rome 1713) - Baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: Basalt tube (classical age) with bronze covering (1623-1644) by Ciro Ferri - Baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Triumphal entrance of emperor Constantine in Rome" - fresco 17th century - Baptistery of Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Crucifixion" (1492) by Andrea Bregno (Osteno, about 1418-Rome 1503) - Baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Saints" - Mosaics (half 7th century) - Saint Venantius chapel at baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: "Saints" - Mosaics (half 7th century) - Saint Venantius chapel at baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: Mosaics (half 7th century) - Saint Venantius chapel at baptistery of the Lateran in Rome
Carlo Raso: Baptistery of the Lateran in Rome with inscription of the pope Sixtus III (432-440)
Carlo Raso: Baptistery of the Lateran in Rome (432-440) with dome year 1540
Carlo Raso: Book of my library: "Il battistero lateranense" by G. Battista Proja, Rome 1999