Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii
Carlo Raso: Actors getting ready to performance - from "Tablinum" of the House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Flute-player - mosaic from the House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Hera is pushed towards Zeus by Iris" - from House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum - "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Carlo Raso: Helen is helped by servants to climb aboard Paris' ship, which will take her to Troy - from House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii - "Ariadne left"
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii - "Lararium"
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii - "Tablinum" floor
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii - "Atrium"
Carlo Raso: "Hera is pushed towards Zeus by Iris" - from House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum - "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Carlo Raso: Admetus, who would not die if someone offered to take his place, help in the reading of Apollo's prophecy: the young king, his faithful wife who sacrifices herself for him, his helderly parents and the god himself - from House of Tragic Poet - Naples Arch
Carlo Raso: Kitchen - "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii
Carlo Raso: "Theseus leave Ariadne" - "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii
Carlo Raso: Actors getting ready to performance - from "Tablinum" of the House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii - Mosaic floor
Carlo Raso: "CAVE CANEM" (= Beware of the dog) - "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii
Carlo Raso: "Hera" (Detail) - "Hera is pushed towards Zeus by Iris" - from House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "The last days of Pompeii" / "Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei" (1834) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - House of Tragic Poet as House of Glaucus - Pompeii
Carlo Raso: Hera, nelle solenni vesti di sposa, viene sospinta da Iside verso Zeus (dalla Casa del Poeta Tragico a Pompei) - Museo Archeologico di Napoli
Carlo Raso: HOMER: "Iliad" (8th century BC) - "Achilles give Briseides to Agamennon" (Detail: Achilles) - from Pompeii, House of "Poeta Tragico" - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Museo Archeologico di Napoli - "Corego e attori" dalla Casa del Poeta Tragico a Pompei
Carlo Raso: HOMER: "Iliad" (8th century BC) - "Achilles give Briseides to Agamennon" - from Pompeii, House of "Poeta Tragico" - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: HOMER: "Iliad" (8th century BC) - "Achilles give Briseides to Agamennon" - from Pompeii, House of "Poeta Tragico" - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: HOMER: "Iliad" (8th century BC) - "Achilles give Briseides to Agamennon" - from Pompeii, House of "Poeta Tragico" - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: HOMER: "Iliad" (8th century BC) - "Achilles give Briseides to Agamennon" - from Pompeii, House of "Poeta Tragico" - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: Glass ladle as cameo, with Dionysiac symbols (end 1st century BC-beginning 1st century AD) - from House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Iphigenia's sacrifice" - from Pompeii, House of Tragic Poet - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Iphigenia's sacrifice" (Detail) - from Pompeii, House of Tragic Poet - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Iphigenia's sacrifice" - from Pompeii, House of Tragic Poet - Naples, Archaeological Museum